Today was a really good day for me. I feel like I climbed a mountain! I have a lot of brain fog issues from the Fibromyalgia. In March of 203, I had come down with Vasculitis. It was rather painful, however, somehow I lucked out and it went into remission except for the headache, of which I have had ever since. There are a few days a month now that I wake up and I don't have a headache for about an hour or so, after that, the daily, never ending headache is back. So yes, I have had this headache for amost 22 years now.
Anyways, I have Fibromyalgia and many of the other issues that go right along with it, Brain Fog, Poor Memory, and Poor Concentation being the worst. I also have ADHD. I do consider most of my ADHD a super power as I really thindk it really fuels my creativity in music and other arts.
In the 90's I did most of my income taxes myself.I generally had a part time job and my self employment job of teach private music lessons. I did have someone else do them starting aroud 2001, a friend who was an expert as my taxes were getting much more complicated. After about 2010, I began to have problms getting the info needed to my friend before April 15th, however, in 2023, my friend retired. In 2024, I did my income taxes myself for the first time since 2001 AND I had them done by the end of February. Today!!! Yes!!!! Today, I finished the 2024 taxes plus they are already sent in! This is the earliest I have ever had my income taxes done and I am really happy about this. I feel like I accomplished something monumental!
In addition to finishing and sending in my taxes, I saw my doctor's PA this morning. I wanted to speak with her about possibly going to physical therapy again. I asked she thought I was ready. She agreed, so tomorrow I will call and see when I can start! I had one student today, a vocal student. She did a great job with her new song. It is a Mozart piece.
So everything all together made this a good day!!